Each Life Night throughout the Mirror, Mirror Series will come with a "Playlist" of resources that will engage youth in creative ways. These resources are meant to be in addition to our Life Nights and encourage the youth to go beyond what we can accomplish in a one hour youth group meeting.
The resources range from listening to songs, watching engaging videos, prayer reflections, studying the scriptures, and more.
Each resourse has an external like and a hands on activity.To go to the resource click on the picture and you will be redirected to the link.
Follow the activity guide posted next to the resource link to get the most out of the resources.
Youth are free to untilize the enitre playlist, just one resource from the playlist, just watching the videos without completing the activity, or none at all.
We all have desires, but a lot of us would probably say that we experience “desiring something more” than we actually experience “having our desires fulfilled.”
What are we ultimately looking for? Jesus reveals to us the path to a full life by showing us the love of God and proving it to us by dying on a cross. Jesus did not wait for us to be perfect or to be the best we could be before deciding we were worthy to die for. Jesus died for us when we were broken and sinful.
Mirror, Mirror will introduce teens to Jesus, who, by saving us from sin and death, establishes our authentic identity in Him and leads us to experience abundant life.
Listen to the song and write down anything that sticks out to you - a lyric, an emotion, a revelation, a memory, etc.
Medidate on the following questions:
1) Why did that lyric stick out to you?
2) What does the song reveal about Repemptive Suffering?
3) How has God used your suffering for good?
Share on Social Media the lyric that struck you and what it meant to you. (If you don't have social media share with your family or best friend.)
Watch the following video
How does the world define tolerance? Why cannot it be defined as love?
Alternative Activity
Create a collage for someone that you love. You can use crafts, pictures, calligraphy, paint, etc.
Watch the video by Father Mike Schmitz
Go to the index in your bible and look up the word "Love"
Pick one passage. Write it down on a note card and stick it on your bathroom mirror or somewhere you will see it every morning.
What do you desire most?
Have you ever thought about what you want most in this like? What would it be like to receive that desire? Would it satisfy you or would you be dissapointed? There is one desire we all share that will always satisfy: to be perfectly loved by God and to be with Him for eternity
What does it mean to be truly Joyful?
God wants us to be happy but our ultimate fulfillment is found in Him. We must learn to surrender to his will even if it means giving up our dreams, desires, and hopes over to God. The Beatitudes help us to do just that as they teach us to detach ourselves from everything that keeps us from God's perfect will.
Where is your identity found?
We are made in the image and likeness of God. This means that God is our idenity. We are sons and daughters of the King of the Universe. So many times we put our identity and worth in things that will not last - a relationship, a skill or talent, a hobby, etc. But our true idenity is eternal; it never fades or withers. Where have you placed your identity?
Listen to the song and write down anything that sticks out to you - a lyric, an emotion, a revelation, a memory, etc.
Medidate on the following questions:
1) Why did that lyric stick out to you?
2) What does the song reveal about Jesus' love for you?
3) Following Jesus requires sacrifice. Are you willing to sacrifice the way Jesus sacrificed for you? Why or why not?
Share on Social Media the lyric that struck you and what it meant to you. (If you don't have social media share with your family or best friend.)
What is our duty as Catholics in our nation? Are we expected to participate in national and local government? While as Catholics we know that this world is not our home, we have been charged with building the Kingdom of God on earth. As Catholic Americans we have the privilege and the duty to elect officials into office who will uphold the Church's social teachings and further God's Kingdom on earth.
Pray the I Thirst Prayer penned by St. Teresa of Calcutta.
Write down/highlight the words and phrases that stick out to you the most.
Meditate on these words/phrases and talk to God about why they stick out to you.
What is God trying to say to you? What truth does he want to reveal to you through this prayer?
Pray the Stations of the Cross with your family.
Listen to the song and write down anything that sticks out to you - a lyric, an emotion, a revelation, a memory, etc.
Medidate on the following questions:
1) Why did that lyric stick out to you?
2) What does the song reveal about Jesus' love for you?
3) In what ways do you need Jesus to change your heart?
Share on Social Media the lyric that struck you and what it meant to you. (If you don't have social media share with your family or best friend.)
Listen to the song and write down anything that sticks out to you - a lyric, an emotion, a revelation, a memory, etc.
Medidate on the following questions:
1) Why did that lyric stick out to you?
2) What does the song reveal about Jesus' love for you?
3) What are you stuggling to give God?
Share on Social Media the lyric that struck you and what it meant to you. (If you don't have social media share with your family or best friend.)
Over the next 7 days read the entire Gospel of Mark. Set aside a time each day to read two chapters in Mark's Gospel.
Read the account of the Walk to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-35 twice.
Write down any words or phrases that stuck out to you
Meditate on why these words/phrases stuck out to you. What may God be trying to tell you?
Talk to God about he's said to you
Go for a walk in a park, around your neighborhood, or anywhere where you can enjoy the sunny weather.
As you walk talk to God about your day. What are your greatful for? Where did you fall short today? Where did you see God working today? What are you looking forwrd to tomorrow?
Set a time this week to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Before you go take a few moments to deeply examen your conscience. Where have you fallen short of God's commands? What events or attitudes led to these sins? How can you avoid falling into these sins in the future? Where do you need healing from God in the sacrament?