Email Charlie Berneche at [email protected]
The Confirmation Retreat will be held at St. Mark from 9am-4 pm in the Parish Hall in the Spring.
Every candidate is expected participate in all opportunities given to them in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. As part of their Confirmation journey St. Mark will host a one day Confirmation retreat for all candidates as a day of reflection to pray deeply about what they are saying “yes” to on the day of Confirmation.
The purpose for this one day retreat is to take what has been discussed in the classes and practice applying what has been learned to their everyday lives to better prepare them to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Saint Report
As explained in the Confirmation Packet, each teen can pick a saint for their Confirmation name and write a one-page report on that saint. Chosen patron saints must be the same gender as the teens who choses them. There is a saint praying specifically for each candidate. It is expected that each candidate prayerfully discern and research which saint is praying for him/her.
The preparation of Confirmation candidates will be done through a process of formation which includes instruction, guided reflection, participation in small groups and service to the faith community. The formation process will begin in September and conclude tentatively in May. Candidates preparing for the Rite of Confirmation (R.O.C.) will be expected to work with parents, individual sponsors, small group mentors, and the confirmation coordinator, as well as various parish ministers.
Initial Meeting: All candidates wishing to recieve the sacrament of confirmation must meet with the confirmation coordinator prior to registering for the Confirmation Prep class. No candidate will be enrolled until he/she has completed this Initial Meeting. Once you fill out the application (found at the top left of this page), you will then be able to schedule your initial meeting through Sign Up Genius.
Sacraments: Teens must have been baptized, have received communion and celebrated their first reconciliation. Teens who have not completed this will enter RCIA(C) which will be explained to you during the registration process.
Faith Practice: Teens must be currently practicing the Catholic faith, specifically, gathering with the parish community for Sunday Worship.
Ongoing Formation: Candidates are required to be involved in some other ministry of the Catholic Church outside of Confirmation class. It is highly recommended that this ministry be Life Teen since it is a place for the candidate to further their knowledge of Christ and the teachings of the Catholic Church. If you have further questions on what qualifies for another ministry of the Church ask the Confirmation Coordinator. Life Teen is held on Sunday evenings from 5:15-7:00pm in the Main Worship Space.
Parental Involvment: Parents will be required to attend a Parent's Role Session during the first week of Confirmation Sessions, and are asked to actively pray for their teen's preparation and reception of the sacrament.
A Catholic, of high school age, who is registered at another parish, wanting to prepare for and receive Confirmation at St. Mark must have written approval from his/her pastor. Any exceptions to these requirements must be approved by the Pastor of St. Mark, in consultation with the High School Confirmation Coordinator and the Director of Religious Education.