In the 25-year history of our parish, we’ve
never celebrated the sacred mysteries in a true church building. But through the current campaign, will
raise the funds necessary for building a sacred space that will accommodate everyone—current
parishioners and new families who will someday call St. Mark
their home.
Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God that he has given you. (Deuteronomy 16:17)
Campaign Update
Thanks to all of you who have helped with our fundraising efforts!
We have raised $12,983,406 (as of October 1st, 2024) and 1,517 families!
Our total pledge: $12,983,406
Pledges paid: $12,426,268
Balance: $ 557,138
If you have yet to return your pledge card, you can pledge or make a one-time gift by clicking here, or pledge cards are available in the Narthex.
Please contact Debra Mergerson at 817-533-3173 with the Advancement Foundation if you have any payment updates.
Mail all pledge payments to:
Capital Project Campaign Fund
Advancement Foundation
201 Main Street, Suite 1198
Fort Worth, TX 76102
If you have questions about the St. Mark Capital Campaign, please contact Kim Harbert at 940-222-6702 or [email protected].
"St. Mark’s Capital Campaign is more than an
initiative or event with a defined timeline, it is
a calling. A calling to all parishioners to help
expand God’s footprint in this world, so that
others will come to know Him, and will have a
place to call their church home. Through the
Capital Campaign, God is working through us,
to build a rock – a new church home that will
provide spiritual enrichment to our children
and grandchildren for generations to come,
and where the keys to the kingdom are shared
through the word of God. As the Gospel of
Matthew 16:18-19, states, ‘And so I say to you,
you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build
my church, and the gates of the netherworld
shall not prevail against it. I will give you the
keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever
you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven,
and whatever you loose on earth shall be
loosed in heaven.’”
"We have been a part of the family here at
St. Mark since its infancy. It is amazing how it
has grown and become a part of our lives. We are
so happy and proud to be able to give back from
God’s blessings and help build the new church
building. The Capital Campaign will allow us to
build a lasting community to worship as ONE as a
testimony to the wonderful, generous, and giving
families of St. Mark.”
In my 61 years, I have attended Mass in hundreds of churches, in the
United States and in other countries. While there were glorious basilicas, I recall that some were simply constructed of wood by faithful hands in tiny communities. A few were built on the site of miracles. But they have in common that they were built for adoring at Mass, receiving the Eucharist, welcoming in baptism, joining in marriage, letting go at funerals, learning the Word, praying, singing, gathering as community. I joyfully support this capital campaign to build our first St. Mark Church. I pledge my time, talent, and treasure to show gratitude for the past, to share in the present, and to leave a legacy for the future – a timeless gift from all of us to God, our community, and all who follow.”
Claire Nieswiadomy
Campaign Cabinet
“Our parish family, our local church St. Mark, is the way our Lord has established for the carrying out of His work in this age. It is a visible sign of God’s presence in our midst. It is not simply bricks and mortar, but the place where all of us can participate in the building of His kingdom, the place where we can provide our brothers and sisters in Christ with fellowship and encouragement. Whatever our circumstances may be we all need one another’s love, prayers, concern and encouragement—the temple of God we are building provides us with a community to worship as ONE.”
Joy and Keith Medley
Campaign Chair
“The blessings of our community have been abundant and ever evolving over the years as our church family strives to follow His word and to invite the faithful into our home. We are at a stepping point now as we pray that our efforts will serve God and further solidify his works within our community. The Capital Campaign is the conduit for this and more, the seed of the future.”
Brian and Melissa Rush
St. Mark Parishioners